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I Never Said It Would Be Easy I Only Said It Would Be Worth It Lds


     In my life I have lived a lot in chains.  Chains of worry, doubt, fear, anxiety.  These chains are very crippling.  They can often lead to darkness, but what I have learned in the last few years is that it doesn't have to be this way.
There is a light that can shine in the darkness and there is a force that can break any chain and that's Jesus Christ.  As so often the conversations I have had with Callie about Africa have been enlightening, teachable and many positive experiences.  There is also the side of it that the devil tries to sneak in.  And here lately I have fallen victim to those lies and that trap of Satan.  Those of doubt, fear, worry, stress.  And where it has come from is this statement from my child, "Mommy, its not going to be long before you and Daddy leave me again".  What??  Huh?? No words….just a sunken heart and guilt!!!!  Oh my gosh, is that how she feels?  Like we are leaving her? Deserting her?  Then she said it a few more times, adding in, but I am going to be at the grandmas houses so I will have fun, right?  Yes baby and we won't be gone for too long, its just two weeks…..TWO WEEKS, I said to myself.  Well, it is kind of long, but not when you consider that its 12 days out of 365.
So, yes, I have been struggling with this here lately and asking God for his guidance and direction.  Why is she saying this? What am I supposed to do? And the answer is this….I am simply supposed to be teaching her more about what we are to do as followers of Jesus Christ!  I am to teach her about his love, his faithfulness and how we must always look to him for peace, comfort and strength.  Not everything he has called us to do will be easy and comfortable.  "Jesus never said life would be easy, but he said it would be worth it." Matthew 7: 13-14.  He also said "Be Strong and Courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged, for I am with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9.  Which was ironically this card I pulled out of my little scripture verse box today, coincidence, don't think so!


     And what I have learned in the past couple of years is that he is with us.  Anywhere and everywhere we go.
In thinking about myself several years back and what my reply would have been to Callie when she said, it won't be long before you leave me again…I would have been a broken mess!!  I would have wanted to back out, give up, doubting, not trusting and losing faith.  But, what I have grown to know with our Father is that he is bigger, he is better and he knows us better than we know our own selves!   I have learned that "With God, All things are possible.".  I have found courage, faith, trust and a need for him so much in my life that I know I've come a long way.  There is surely a longer way to go but boy its different from where it was!
When God knocked on my door about four years ago and I said Yes to him, I didn't know that Yes would take not only me but also my husband and I not one, not two but three years later to Africa again.  Its truly been a test of his faithfulness, trust and love.  We have seen Amazing things happen in these last few years in Africa and for us personally and its all been Gods plan.  Jeremiah 29:11.  Its grown our relationship, its made us better parents, its given us perspective to what life is all about.
Where do I go from here?  Well, I take what I have learned and pass it on to Callie, which is The Great Commission. " "Therefore go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.  And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Matthew 28: 19-20.
Jesus Christ is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.  What happens in between is life, its temporary, life isn't just all about us.  Life is about teaching, ministering and loving everyone.  Life is about growing in our faith, growing as people, making a difference and loving the Lord with all our heart.  Its not about the car we drive, how much money we make or getting the next biggest thing.  Its about bringing heart and souls yo Jesus Christ.  To be saved, to be made new, to be reborn again.  Those people we minister to while we are in Africa that have no food, no water, nowhere to attend school, no clothes or shoes on their feet, we were called to help them and we said Yes.  We are so blessed and grateful to have these things that two weeks out of our year to save a soul is worth it!  Two weeks to walk into a little village and see the smiles on everyone's faces because we brought food, water, clothes, shoes and manpower to build a school is worth every minute because within those smiles, they know that we came because Jesus sent us to them!  And they are so amazed that we would travel that far to do such a thing….but again…Jesus has bigger and better plans for our lives than even we know!
We never know how many lives can be changed through bringing the gospel of Jesus Christ to those who didn't know him, but one life saved can continue to bless many others.  And in the meantime we grow, we learn, we have more faith and we gain more trust in the Father Almighty above!
A friend sent me this quote below and it really meant a lot.


Yes, I may leave my family for a short time, but our families will be much bigger when we get to Heaven!


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